Friday, May 3, 2013


I would like to thank Ellen very much for nominating me for the Liebster award.  I really do appreciate the honour - and this time I did not miss the comment, however...  This did send me into a frenzy of trying to find other bloggers who fit into the prescribed category, who had not yet received the award.  This flurry of activity went on for a number of days, at which point the fun went out of this whole blog thing.  More days passed, and I was embarrassed that I still hadn't responded - very rude of me, and that sent me scurrying off into my little shell, because the longer one doesn't deal with something, the more daunting it becomes.  So ... after much thinking,  (and very much wanting to crawl out of my shell and back to "normal") - I've decided that I just need to adopt the policy of not accepting awards.  I know I'm not the first.  Thank-you very much for thinking of me, but I just can't "deal with" the extra stress.
... and I would like to thank everyone for the lovely comments on my coat.  Only other sewers can be so supportive of such make-work endeavours.  A post on the process is coming - but not until next week.  So's not to leave you with no pictures... my tassels...
Two bits of fringe, a piece of ribbon and some cording that must have been kicking around in my box of trims for at least 10 years.  A little bit of time to stitch them together and now I have a little bit of nonsense that makes me smile.  Why didn't I make these up years ago?


  1. Your tassels are lovely. Nothing better than having a little something that makes us smile:)

  2. It is important to have little things that make us laugh ... you are great and not having to answer to awards that make you feel stress ... your blog is a place to relax, entertain and inspire.

  3. It is nice to have a fun little project that puts a smile on the dial! Don't stress about the blog award.. there always seems to be one floating around, doesn't there?

  4. I have the same feelings towards blog awards. Though I do enjoy reading the personal info (6 things about yourself) that some awards require awardees to post and I do find new blogs in the new nominees. Neat tassels, they look wonderful against the dark polished wood of the furniture.
